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Vernon Volumes text

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Paige USTA Tennis Tournament at Bartram - 2nd of 4


Paige played in a USTA level 6 tennis tournament at Bartram High School this weekend. Her first match was at 8am on Saturday and she played a match against a girl that hadn't been playing very long. She won her first match 6-2, 6-2. Although Paige didn't play her best, her opponent struggled and Paige won fairly easily.

After her first match, we drove to Creekside High School to cheer for Paige's friend, Sadie, who was competing in a UTR tennis tournament.

After leaving Creekside, went by to hang out with Grandpa Rick for a little while and then the three of us headed back for Paige's second match. Her second opponent at 11am was quite a bit tougher and beat Paige 1-6, 1-6. Paige had some good moments, but it was a hot day and she was not at her best. I think Paige could have won the match in other circumstances on another day, but she was making many unforced errors. 

After the second match, we went with Grandpa Rick to BJ's for lunch and then home to wash up. 

Paige's final match was Sunday morning at 9am and we were happy to have Grandpa Rick and Grandma Alice join us. Paige played as well as I've ever seen her play on Sunday. Paige's opponent was a good player and hit with pace. They had some tough points, but Paige was playing consistently and she won 6-1, 6-2. 

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