Paige is now seven months old. She is growing up so fast, and you can tell she's ready to start crawling and talking and running around with Connor any day. She's been babbling a bit lately, testing out her little baby voice. We, of course, think it's adorable.
We love you Paigie Pie!
Vernon Volumes text

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving in Odessa with the Anders
On Friday morning we drove to Odessa to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Anders side of the family. We all enjoyed Grandma Genies feast and got stuffed! We ate fairly early and afterwards we all went out to the tree farm to chop down a tree together. It was our second time with this tradition and we had a lot of fun picking out trees and throwing around footballs.
Thanks for everything, it was great!
The whole gang and the "dackadoo".
The kids, helping Grandpa drag the tree.
Paige, all bundled up.
He didn't get hurt! Thank goodness for thick padding under the carpet and thick carpet too.
Thanksgiving in St. Louis with the Vernons

We went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving on Wednesday night. It was a feat to get the SUV packed with all the clothes, toys, exersaucer, kennel, pillows, baby necessities, etc. The trip normally takes three hours or so if we don't stop, but this time we had to stop once for gas+bathrooms, once for dinner and once for another bathroom break. It ended up taking 5.5 hours total. Quite the journey.
Our visit in St. Louis was great. Shawn's Uncle Roger and cousin Jenny were in town, Alex, Chris and Abby came for dinner and Laura came by after eating Thanksgiving dinner with her family. The kids had lots of fun playing with everyone and it was a great visit. Grandma Alice fixed a fantastic meal and it was one of her best ever. Thanks for everything!
Our little family on Thanksgiving day.
Uncle Alex holding Paige for the very first time!
Grandpa Rick and Mammy Pajammy.
Rog and Jenny (Wendy was in Germany with family).
Connor battling with Daddy.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Connor visits Grandma Alice

Connor stayed with Grandma Alice and Grandpa Rick while we were on our cruise. He had stayed with her for a week earlier in the year and was looking forward to his visit. He actually had been counting down the days, and Thursday (the day before we took him) he thought it was the day he was going and got very upset when he went to school instead. He had a bunch of fun in St. Louis and Grandma Alice was great about taking him to do something fun every day.
They went to a hay ride, the zoo, Tot-lot, Planet Fun, Jump4Fun, the Magic House and Bounce U. All kinds of fun that was perfect for a three year old.
Special thanks to Grandma Alice for spending so much time and taking such good care of our little man. We could tell that he'd been used to starting every sentence with "Grandma!" and even slipped up and called Mommy "Grandma" after he got home.
The St. Louis Zoo.

Working on some pumpkins at the zoo.
At the Magic House.
Playing a baseball game at Bounce U.
More fun at Bounce U.
Chloe went too and was happy to have some other puppies to play with.
Checking how Connor's measuring up against everyone else.

Uncle Chris, Uncle Alex and Aunt Abby all came to visit too on Saturday.
Paige is growing up fast!
Paige is growing up too fast! While we were on our trip, her two bottom teeth popped through and we think she's trying to grow them extra fast so she can eat some Thanksgiving turkey! Slow down little girl!
We also wanted to post a picture of her holding her bottle. She started doing it a couple weeks ago, but recently has really gotten good at it. At first, it would slip out of her hands and you'd have to re-position it a few times throughout her feasting session. Now, she will hold it up the whole time and will snatch at it and will stuff it in her mouth when you get it close.
Some teeth pictures are below, they were hard to get, and there's a super cropped, zoomed in picture below.

Paige with Grammy Genie

Also, thanks to the Rudolphs for watching Paige the first weekend of the trip!

All the grandkids love to play on the pool table! Paige took her first turn during this visit.

Bath time is so much fun with Aunt Amanda!

Relaxing with Grandpa Garry, he was a big help and Paige loved falling asleep on his chest.

Chilling out with Uncle Ryan.

Bath time with Aunt Abby!

Grandpa Garry got Paige an awesome Mizzou sweatshirt.

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