This weekend, we didn't have any big plans, and decided it'd be nice for the kids to go shopping. They've been saving up their money and we wanted them to have an opportunity to spend it. Connor is back in to Nascar racing at the moment and decided to use his money on four Nascar cars. He's cute about knowing exactly which ones he already has, and he knows pretty much all of their names and numbers.
Paige is really interested in "Blind Bags" lately, which are little cheap bags that contain different toys. It's always a surprise to find what's inside, and unfortunately for Paige she ended up with a "duplicate" of one she already has. Andrea and I were impressed she knew the word "duplicate", and she probably learned it from watching YouTube videos of people opening their blind bags online.
Connor took Chloe outside to go potty and decided to use Daddy's shoes since they were handy. He's a good helper and looked cute in the oversize shoes.
Connor and I went to get our hair cut this weekend, and recently Paige likes to come along. Usually, she'll just play checkers with us while we wait our turn and then will watch while we get our hair cut. This time around, Andrea decided we should have Paige actually get her hair trimmed. We asked them not to really cut off much length, just to trim it up and even it up. It looks like they cut a couple inches off, and it's definitely more even than before.
Hard to believe she's only had her hair cut two times in five years.
Paige still loves to color and she has been getting pretty detailed with some of her art as well. She drew a picture this weekend which had cute little people in dresses, a butterfly, flowers, clouds, the sun, and a force field for protecting them from bad guys.
Paige has been learning special letter dances and songs at Kindergarten. Every day she comes home with a new one. When we were in Odessa, Paige went through a number of them for us and was quite entertaining.
This past Thursday, September 17th, Grandma Genie got some bad news. A lump that she'd noticed recently turned out to be breast cancer. Andrea talked to her Thursday night and we were all depressed about the bad news, especially coming so soon after Garry's long fight with cancer. Genie's treatment doesn't start for a little while and Andrea talked to her about how she should go and do what she can and what she wants while she is still healthy. Genie said that all she really wanted to do was have a BBQ at her house with her family.
Andrea was supposed to go on a cruise with her friends on Friday morning and she said that what she really wanted to do was to go support her mother and surprise her. We bought plane tickets for a flight at 6:20 the next morning, Abby agreed to pick us up from the airport and keep it a secret, Grandma Alice and Grandpa Rick picked up Chloe, and we unpacked Andrea's cruise suitcase and packed for everyone to go. We woke up at 3:30am and got everything in the car and drove to the airport. Thankfully we got there early because it was the worst TSA line we'd ever seen at the JAX airport. Our flight left late because of the holdup, but thankfully we made our short connection in Atlanta and arrived in KC on schedule.
Abby had taken off work on Friday to spend the day with Genie and convinced her to go to the airport with her to pick up some friends that had been out of town for a while. Genie and Abby were parked on the curb by the baggage area and Andrea spotted them through the window. Andrea took the kids' hands in hers and walked out to see her mother's confused and then surprised face. It was an exciting moment and I don't think we'll ever forget it. We spent the rest of the day surprising everyone we could. We picked Alli up from school early and then when Drew got to Grandma Genie's house, we jumped out to say "surprise" in the kitchen.
When Amanda got home from work, we were all hiding behind the couch and Nate secretly took a video of Amanda's and Graydon's reaction.
We spent the rest of the day making sugar cookies and playing together.
In the morning, we all went to watch Graydon play soccer with his team.
After the game, we cleaned up, played outside, and got everything together for the BBQ.
Renie came to the soccer game and to the house for the BBQ.
In the afternoon, Amanda and Ryan went to a wedding, and we went to a park to play with Graydon and the kids. Connor got to play the role of the older cousin and was cute chasing Graydon around.
Paige was a bit cranky on the trip, especially having started it with a short night's sleep. She fell asleep on the "relaxing swing" while Mommy was pushing her.
We ate dinner, and then the kids went over to Abby and Nate's house to spend the night.
At Abby's house, Paige got a princess Mulan makeover and Allison took some glamour shots.
On Sunday we went to the Blue Springs Fall festival.
After the festival, we went to watch Drew play tennis with his high school team. Paige and Connor played for a bit at the park and then Paige and Alli fell asleep during the game.
Drew did really well in his doubles match and won. It got me in the mood for tennis and I got to play for an hour with Nate before it got dark in Odessa.
On Monday, we flew home. It was a short trip, but we actually got to do a lot and it didn't feel too rushed at all. We are thinking about Genie every day and praying that her fight against cancer will go well. She's a strong woman and we are all hopeful that we'll get some good news soon, it's been a tough year for Genie and all of us and I think we're due for some!