This Thursday was Connor's school Halloween party. He was very excited to wear his Spiderman costume out of the house and for more than a few minutes of just "trying it on".
After Ms Cindy passed out their Trick-or-Treat bags, the kids put on their masks and got ready to go door to door at the school for Trick-or-Treating. Mommy and Daddy both wanted a picture with our cool guy.
Connor did a good job knocking when it was his turn. We need to work on him saying "Trick-or-Treat!" loud enough for people to hear.
After Trick-or-Treating, we went back to the classroom and put together some cookies. Mommy and Daddy both helped him pick out sprinkles and frosting for the yummy art project. We meant to snap a picture when it was done, but Connor was too fast for us and stuffed it in his mouth before I got a picture.
After cookies, it was time for games. They did a ring toss game where they threw a pumpkin shaped ring into a pile of candy. They got to keep whatever was inside the ring.
Soon, it was time to go, and the kids all sang their Halloween songs for us.
Thanks Ms Cindy for a great party!