Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sleepover with the Rudolphs

Connor's been wanting to stay the night with his two favorite cousins in the world, and we finally gave in and let him stay over on Friday. Aunt Abby saved cousin Drew's little tikes car, and surprised him with it when he got there. He really loves it, and had a great visit with the Rudolphs. Thanks Uncle Nate, Aunt Abby, Cousins Drew and Alli.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny came last night and left Connor all kinds of goodies. Connor got a basket filled with eggs, flash cards, sippy cups, a book, a chocolate bunny, and he also got an abacus toy.

When Connor was visiting the doctor for his 1 year checkup, he really enjoyed playing with the germ covered abacus in the doctor's office. The Easter Bunny must have noticed, because sure enough, there was a super deluxe abacus waiting for Connor on Easter morning. Unfortunately we noticed the Easter Bunny stole our debit card and used it to buy the abacus from We wish Mr. Bunny and his pal Santa weren't so cheap.

The toy is perfect for babies because they don't lose the little pieces and it's perfect for mommy and daddy since they don't have to track all the parts down or worry about Connor eating the beads. It's actually got 5 different sides with different activities and Connor really enjoys it. It's sturdy too, Connor's beaten up on the wires and they haven't bent at all.

Yesterday Shawn and Andrea got to go out for the day while Grandma and Grandpa Anders watched Mr. Connor. They brought him an Easter bag filled with eggs, a book, and some athletic gear!

Thanks guys!

No more bottles!

Connor drank all by himself out of a real cup today. He's totally done with bottles now and drinks everything out of sippy cups or real cups. He's drinking whole milk and eating baby food full time. We're glad to be done with formula.

Drinking a strawberry and banana milkshake this morning:


First steps on video!

Connor's been able to walk now for a few weeks. Maybe even months. He just hasn't really felt like doing it. He's been standing with great balance, and he can get around upright but it's just usually easier to crawl so that's what he does. Last weekend was the first time I'd seen him walk between things without holding on to anything, but it's been tough to get it on video.

The best way to get him to walk is to hide his pacifier in a drawer on his play table. When he gets it out and sticks it in his mouth, he lets go of the table and if you pull the table away from him he'll chase after it. Most other times he's content to drop to his hands and knees and crawl, so this is the only consistent way we've found to get him to walk.

Go Connor!

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's day green

Connor was sure to wear his green today for St. Patrick's day. He is very pinchable and didn't want anyone to have any extra excuses to pinch him. His top two front teeth have been coming in lately and he hasn't been in the best mood recently. We tried to get one good picture of him for St. Patrick's day for the blog, but it looks like we'll have to settle for 3 decent ones instead. He definitely wasn't in the mood today.

Connor actually took his first real steps about a week ago. We've tried to catch it on camera, but he really only does it if everything lines up just right. He's been walking along the side of the couch for a while, but he wouldn't take any steps away from a hand-hold. Last week, he was playing with his activity table which was about 2 feet from his exer-saucer. He got it in his head that he wanted to play with the exer-saucer and I almost missed it when he started walking over to it. He was actually standing between the table and exer-saucer when I noticed him. He'd taken a few steps away from the table and had paused between them, considering his options. You could tell he kind of wanted to just drop down and crawl, but he was so close to the exer-saucer. After a second or two he made up his mind and lunged the last few steps to the exer-saucer and grabbed the edge of it. We were all very excited for him, but he didn't seem to think it was a big deal. It just happened to be an easier choice than crawling at the time. He's done it a few times since, but he definitely still prefers to crawl.

He's good at walking if he's got something to hold on to:

Playing patty-cake with Mommy:

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Connor's one year checkup

Connor got his one year checkup this weekend. He actually looks like he's on the smallish side for babies his age.

Weight: 21 lbs - 11 oz: 45th percentile
Height: 29": 25th percentile
Head diameter: 18 1/2": 50th percentile

Hopefully he won't always take after his short mother with his height or he won't be dating any leggy supermodels!

Since Connor's a year old and big enough, he gets to face forwards! This should make driving with him a lot more interesting for him:

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Connor's 1 year old pro pics

Our photographer got Connor's 1 year pictures up today!

Connor's One Year pics

We really like the picture our photographer picked for his title page. His eyes are so squinty, and his smile is huge!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Connor!

Connor turned one year old today and had a lot of fun with all his family in town. We had a great time seeing everyone and appreciate all the great gifts for Connor. We've done a lot in the last year, Connor's changed so much already, and it's hard to believe he's so big and so old.

Andrea spent a lot of time trying to find a cake that would be special for Connor's big day, and she designed a pretty neat one:

Connor got his own small cake to demolish. It looked pretty tasty at one point.

Total party animal with the birthday boy shirt and hat:

I'm so hungry I'm eating my hand! Hurry up with that cake!

He fed himself a little, but he liked to just stick his whole face in it!

Mom and Dad are so proud of their big messy boy.

Thanks for the presents everyone!

We made it a whole year already! We're a very happy family.