She's been running for a long time and runs 10Ks all the time, but this was her first actual factual race. The Groundhog run is an underground 5k or 10k run, and Andrea decided to do the 10k (6.2 miles). It was really neat to see the underground caves, and they are a consistent 65-70 degrees year round, so the cold weather today wasn't a factor at all.
We arrived a little early and watched all the 5k people finish. We got to see Andrea's cousin Kelly and her boyfriend Dennis as they crossed the finish line.
Andrea and Kelly.
After the last of the 5k runners finished, all the 10k participants lined up. Andrea took a quick picture with the kids and we wished her luck.

There were a bunch of people, but it didn't really matter where you started because the chip attached to Andrea's number didn't start her time until she crossed the starting line.
Getting ready to go!
Andrea started the race in the middle of the pack and ran a well paced race. Her miles were consistently under a 10 minute pace. The 10k course followed the same course as the 5k course, but the runners did 2 laps. This was pretty neat because we got to see Mommy go by twice and were able to cheer her on.
Andrea coming in for the first lap.
While Mommy was running, Daddy and the kids explored the caves. They were pretty immense and Connor enjoyed running around racing Daddy and Paige.
Some big columns holding the place up!
Connor was a very good boy and was very patient. Paige fell asleep and napped almost the entire time.
Andrea pulling away from all the losers at the finish line! Go Momma!! She ended up finishing right around 57 minutes, 40 seconds.
Daddy with the kids.