Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Connor's Wisdom Teeth Removed

This past Monday I took Connor to the oral surgeon to have his wisdom teeth removed. The surgery went well and I was let in to see him once he started to wake up. He had his gums packed with gauze and ice packs on his cheeks for the swelling. He initially seemed to be doing well waking up and I was told to pull my car around front to pick him up. After waiting quite a while they came out and told me to come back to his room because he needed some more time. 

Apparently after they stood him up to transfer him to the wheelchair, he got extremely dizzy and faint. They had him hooked back up to the monitors and had him relax for a bit longer, and also had him drink some Gatorade and a few slurps of apple sauce. 

Eventually he felt better and just as we were leaving the office, the power went out from Hurricane Debbie, which was passing from the West. We had to wait a bit for the electricity to come back on before we could pick up his prescriptions and I got him settled at home.

I didn't take any embarrassing videos, and didn't antagonize him at all, especially since he was pale and uncomfortable. He was cute about snuggling Millie Mae when he was settling down for a nap. Connor hated the way he felt after surgery and was a little emotional and cute about thanking me for taking good care of him. I did my best to make him comfortable, and after sleeping for a few hours he felt much better. By the end of the day he felt good enough to get back in his office to play some video games, and it was a nice distraction from his aching gums. He's been doing well taking his medicine, doing a mouthwash, and drinking smoothies.

We asked to keep his teeth and they gave us the upper teeth since they came out easily. The lower teeth had to be cut before they were extracted, so they were discarded unfortunately.

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