Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Connor Washes his Car for the First Time


This past weekend, Connor washed his car for the first time on his own. It sits outside alongside the house, so it tends to get a bit messy from the trees dropping leaves and sap on it. It also tends to accumulate junk inside, so it needed a thorough cleaning inside and out. Originally, we thought we'd show him how to take it through a car wash nearby, but I think it is good for him to have to clean it the old fashioned way. I showed him how to fill up a bucket with soapy water and how to scrub all the gunk off the outside. We also worked on vacuuming inside and cleaning the mats. We haven't gone over waxing and some of the other more advanced topics, but it was a good start. Once he gets a job and has to pay for it, he can decide if it's worth paying for a carwash.

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