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Vernon Volumes text

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Second dose COVID19 Vaccine

On Saturday, Andrea and I got our second COVID19 vaccines. While we'd heard that the Moderna vaccine had fairly painful side effects, we'd heard that the Pfizer vaccine's were not quite as severe and we were hopeful that our side effects would be mild. Right after we got our vaccines, Andrea's arm was in a bit of pain already. It seems like either the injection was very close to a nerve, or something happened differently than the first dose. Andrea had trouble even using her right arm for a couple days. My arm was a little sore on Saturday, but it wasn't bad at all. I felt pretty good until Sunday afternoon and then I felt really awful. I was exhausted, cranky, and just felt physically bad all over. By Monday morning I felt much better and I continue to improve. 

We're super thankful we were able to get our vaccines relatively early, so definitely not complaining!

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