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Vernon Volumes text

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sea Island Labor Day

For the Labor Day Holiday this year we drove up to Sea Island in Georgia for the weekend. Thankfully Andrea's bout with COVID was very short and she was feeling better and outside the quarantine restrictions in time for our weekend trip. The weather's cooling off slightly, but it was still a warm weekend at Sea Island for our visit. We spent quite a bit of time at the beach and pool, went on some walks, and watched some US Open tennis. Connor's been getting a lot of workouts in lately and wanted to go to the gym, so we went twice and worked out on all the different equipment and talked through different workouts for different muscle groups. I played tennis on Saturday, but Andrea canceled her spot in the clinic since she was still taking it easy after COVID.

Connor bumped in to Parin, a friend from Camp Pinnacle, and they swam at the beach and ocean along with Parin's friend.

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