Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Alex and Charlie Visit us in Florida


Although we didn't get to Peru or to Kansas City for the holidays, it gave us some extra time to visit with Alex and Charlie. While Laura had to work, Alex had the week off and Charlie's school was closed, so they decided to come to Florida for a visit. Their Southwest flight was delayed badly, but thankfully it eventually departed and they made it.

We went over to Grandpa and Grandma's house a few times to hang out, played pickleball with Alex and Grandpa, went to the beach and beach club, and had them over for swimming and "golf truck" rides. Charlie is at such an adorable age and he loved all the toy vehicles as well as the golf cart (which he called the "golf truck"). Alex did an amazing job with him, always very patient and sweet with him.


Paige was extra cute with Charlie and she actually went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a couple nights to stay with them while Charlie and Alex were in town. She went to Old St. Augustine with them on Thursday and came to play Pickleball with us on Friday. 

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