Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Grandma Invasion

Last week Grandma Genie stayed through the week to help with Connor, and this week Grandma Alice is here. They both have been a big help and it has been great having them here to share this experience with us. We've gotten more sleep than we have since Connor was born and the Grandmas have probably gotten less sleep than they have in years.

We really appreciate their help, thanks!!

1 comment:

grammy genie said...

Dear Shawn, Andrea, & Connor, Last week was one of the best weeks of my life. I got to do what every grandma dreams of doing. I can't think of anything more fun or exciting than taking care of little Connor! You have a wonderful family, and I enjoyed spending time with all of you. All my love, Grandma Genie
PS I also enjoyed my walks with Chloe.