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Vernon Volumes text

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Paige's 6th Birthday Party at Kidz Art

Paige's birthday party was today, on her birthday, at Kidz Art. The Kidz Art building is conveniently right outside the front of our neighborhood. Andrea had scoped it out a while ago and thought it was very cute inside and a good idea for a little girl's party. Paige wanted to invite everyone in her class, as well as a few neighbor girls to the party. Almost everyone we invited came, and every single girl from Paige's class made it to the party. It probably helped that the party location was so convenient for everyone, but we also hope everyone came because Paige is such a sweet friend and classmate.

We arrived 30 minutes before the party started and put all her decorations together. The ladies at Kidz Art had everything set up nicely and even had gotten some pink tablecloths that matched our decorations perfectly. Andrea has a great eye for decorating and everything looked wonderful and popped with all the vibrant colors.

As the kids arrived, the Kidz Art owner Sarah put on their aprons and got them all setup.

Paige put all the gifts on the gift table and it got very loud and wild very quickly.

All the girls were very familiar and comfortable with each other and before you knew it, it was a wild party with a conga line. It's hard to believe Paige's classroom at school has all these kids plus all the boys.

Sarah gave a short speech about what they were painting and how they'd do it, and then the kids got started.

Each canvas had a lightly drawn outline in place so the kids had a little bit of guidance on size and general shape. Pretty quickly though, everyone diverged in their own way.

We had enough spots for Connor to participate, but he didn't want to paint. Instead, he followed along on the whiteboard with markers.

Connor's creation turned out surprisingly well! He doesn't typically do a lot of artwork, so we were pretty impressed he did so well freehand on his own. 

After everyone got finished with their paintings, they were set aside to dry and then we snapped a group picture. 

Finally it was time to cut the cake! Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Paige and then Paige blew out her candles. We were sad to cut up the beautiful Cupcake Queen cake, but she was so delicious it was worth it.

After the party, a few neighbors came over to swim. Olivia's family, Kennedy's family, and our neighbor Megan swam with us for a couple hours and then we came in and had dinner.

Before bed, I took a picture of Paige with her final Cupcake Queen masterpiece. 

It was such a wonderful day and Paige enjoyed every second of it. I'm thankful Andrea is such a good planner and puts such memorable parties together for our kids. It all came together perfectly today and we are so blessed that we can do such special things for our little girl.

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