Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Monday, May 30, 2016

Last day at Dumont together

We took our last family picture at our Dumont house on May 23rd 2016. We got up early that morning to get the kids ready for school and to get things ready for the move. I set up a ladder out front and we used it to take a family picture. I took a last pic of the kids on the step in front of the front door and did a side-by-side of their first day of school pic. They've both had such eventful years at school and we are so proud of both of them.

Our neighbor Phil came by before we went to the bus stop and snapped another family picture a little closer to the house.

After the kids got on the bus, Andrea went to the school to attend Paige's Kindergarten graduation and I started getting things packed up and ready for the movers.

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