Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bike Ride on the Golf Course - Shawn, Andrea, and Millie Mae

We were going to go for a walk yesterday and Andrea decided we should go for a bike ride instead. We don't ride our bikes as often as we should and it turned out to be a great idea. The yellow flies have a harder time keeping up with us, and it was a little cooler on the bikes than if we'd been walking. I had Millie Mae in her carrying sling at first, but when we got on the golf course I put her down and let her run along with us. We were worried she was getting tired since she had to run pretty fast to keep up with the bikes. We stopped at one point and Millie Mae was panting quite a bit, so I asked her if she wanted to ride with me. She turned away and trotted off, so that was a pretty clear answer. 

Andrea stopped at Millie's favorite water station and got her a nice long drink of the water to help her cool off.

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