Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Monday, June 10, 2024

Connor's Summer School Classes

Somehow, Connor convinced Andrea that it would be a good idea to take a couple of summer school courses through St. Johns River State College. He must have been in a productive and motivated mood when they signed up, and we're all kind of regretting it at the moment. Connor's regretting it because he'd much rather do nothing and play NBA2K on his Playstation all summer (not actually an option, but that's what he wants). Andrea's regretting it because if she doesn't stay on top of Connor, he'd probably forget to do his assignments, and wouldn't get things turned in on time. I'm regretting it because I have been proofreading the multiple papers that Connor's been writing. Connor's actually been improving with his writing and as he's going through the courses, his writing is requiring less and less changes, but it's a lot of work. His most recent paper was a two part assignment with a 4000 word requirement. It's a lot. I think he's actually learning a bit in his Political Science class, but not sure how much he's retaining in the Macroeconomics course. The good news is that the courses allow him to work at a fairly fast pace and he's hopefully going to be done with everything in the next week or so.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Omg summer class are the worst. Kennedy is doing HOPE and it's so much more than we thought it would be.