Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Springfield Missouri - Alli and Garrett's Rehearsal and Pre-Wedding Activity


We got up super early to fly to Springfield for Allison and Garrett's wedding, and started off our summer adventures as soon as the kids finished school. 

We've been working on getting the kids, especially Connor, more familiar with navigating airports. As usual, we had Connor check where our gate was when we got through security, and he navigated us through the airport.

After landing, we picked up our Turo car rental from the airport and then met the Rudolphs and Grandma Genie at McAlister's Deli for lunch.

We checked in at our hotel and drove by the house that the Rudolphs rented to hang out with everyone for a bit. For dinner, we all went to McSalty's for pizza (I guess we like all the restaurants that start with Mc?).

The day before the wedding, we ate at McAlister's again and then went to the Springfield nature center. 

We checked out the exhibits and animals, and then most everyone went to a nearby park. Andrea and I went on a long hike through the woods and got a little exercise.

In the evening we went to Springfield Brewing Company for the rehearsal dinner, and it was our first opportunity to meet a lot of the people that would be in the wedding, and that were Garrett's side of the family.

Andrea and Paige enjoyed holding Logan, Nathan's brother Aaron's son, and he was a chill little baby. Since I brought my Nikon, we went outside as the sun was going down and got some nice pics together.

After dinner, Paige went with the Rudolphs to stay the night at their rental and the rest of us went back to the hotel. Connor and Graydon played an epic 5-round 1v1 basketball competition.

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