Vernon Volumes text

Vernon Volumes text

Monday, February 1, 2016

Family visit! Alex, Chris, Abby, Max, Diane, Lee, Roger, and Grandparents visit

This past week we had a lot of Shawn's side of the family in town. Chris, Abby, Max and Alex flew in to Jacksonville on Saturday. Diane, Lee, Roger, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa drove up from Daytona Beach as well. When Chris and his family landed, I picked them up from the airport and drove them home. Alex flew in an hour later and Grandpa Rick picked him up and brought him by. Grandma Alice brought everyone over to our house after Great Grandpa Roger had his afternoon siesta.

We were very happy to hear that baby Max did a great job on the flights. They had a flight from St. Louis to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Jacksonville. He fell asleep during takeoff and slept during both flights! Nice work Max!

Connor and Paige were excited for all our visitors, especially baby Max. Paige played with him every chance she could get.

We snapped a few pics of the boys outside before it got dark and also setup the camera so we could get a big group picture of everyone together in the family room.

Andrea and I put out some snacks, and after everyone chatted for a bit we ordered pizza as well.

Connor quizzed everyone on football, but kept the hardest questions for football expert Uncle Chris.

After dinner, everyone played some games. The kids loved playing Snorta with everyone and actually did very well remembering everyone's animal sounds.

Paige played with Max until it was time to go to bed.

In the morning, she played with him for a while too until everyone got up and going.

Connor read to baby Max for a little bit before everyone got dressed.

After we all got dressed, we went to Cantina Laredo for a late lunch and then over to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

At Grandma and Grandpa's the kids played football outside with Uncle Chris, Uncle Alex, Uncle Lee, and me. We did quite a bit of passing and running, it was Connor's favorite part of the whole day.

We ate Grandma Alice's beef stew for dinner and then I went with Chris, Alex, Abby, Connor and Paige to play tennis for a bit at the nearby tennis courts. We all got a little workout and Connor did pretty well playing with the regular tennis ball against his uncles and aunt. Paige played with the orange balls and we fed her quite a few. She's getting more coordinated and hits the ball pretty consistently now if she's not goofing off too much.

Diane and Lee are going to be leaving town later in the week, and so is Uncle Rog. Chris, Alex, Abby and Max are staying through next Sunday.

Throughout the week, the kids went to school and I worked. Chris, Abby, Alex, and Max stayed with Grandma Alice and Grandpa Rick. They went to the beach during the day and to Old St. Augustine. We saw them some evenings. On Wednesday, February 3rd, we celebrated Abby's birthday at Maggiano's. We had some yummy Italian food and we all sang Happy Birthday for Aunt Abby.

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